Things that Really Do Get Better in College

By Veronica U-K.

Ok so let’s be honest, for most of us high school was not the best four years of our life. If you were like me, it was a pretty awkward, miserable point in your life…at least until the end (of course you finally enjoy it, as it ends!) Grrrr.

Anyways, here are some reasons why college is the point in your life, when things truly DO get better:

1. You MUST take full responsibility.
There is no teacher who knows your mom, or coach who played football with your cousin. You are at an entirely different place, where you do not know people who can pull you out of trouble need be.

Now, I know this sounds terrifying, but it’s actually super beneficial, because for once you must actually THINK: how do I solve this problem? And I can guarantee, all those “problem solving equations you did in your third period math class will be useless for this type of logic. So embrace all the “new” knowledge that you can.

In tandem, you’ll also be gaining responsibilities regarding money. That’s right folks! No more asking mom for a little cash, before you go out. Mom isn’t here and you only have twenty dollars left–uh oh! Learning how to manage your “personal finances” is an extremely important life skill that will only get better with time.

2. You get to do what you want!
What teenager doesn’t want to be able to do whatever they want whenever they want? Granted, this does get old and becomes more of an irrelevant expectation, but still in the beginning–it’s awesome!

3. The relationships you make are genuine.
In college, you don’t make friends with people from your town–if you’re like me, you run from those people who know about brace face you. You aren’t being forced to have classes with people just because of where your parents decided to live. The friends you make are those who have interests similar to your own–whether it be from your major, clubs, teams, departments or learning communities. You’ll find people you genuinely have things in common with.

4. You get to learn about what you find to be the most interesting.

Whether you’re into theatre or microeconomics, those classes that you excelled at in high school are the basis for your college classes. Of course, there are core classes that everyone must take for the curriculum (blah blah blah) but just take these classes in stride–yes you overconfident freshmen I’m talking to you.
Think you know so much? Well guess what I’m college you can have a 35 year old on one side of you and an 18 year old on the other. Core classes help you meet people of your own age, so (well at least I think) you can see who you’re truly up against for a spot on the Dean’s List, and to give you a bit of a chance to show off what you know from high school.

Now some people may disagree with me on this last point and that’s totally acceptable–please comment down below why, if you do–but I personally feel that this is what truly made my first semester the most enjoyable (speaking academically):
5. Professors’ Sense of Respect
Now so far I have had all fair professors. Have they all been my favorite? No, I only had 2 out of 6 of those. But they have all been fair. Grading wise…that’s another story…but regarding in class discussions and overall teaching methods, I can say that every professor I have had a truly respect.

In college, professors aren’t obliged to care if you get their work done. It’s not their job to make sure you pass their class. They know you are just as capable as Miss Perfect over there in the middle row. No work is ever “too hard too handle,” if you’re willing to put in the effort. And if you do put in the effort, a certain (very important) amount of respect is gained for you, in the eyes of your professor–and mind you these are people who can potentially get you a job. So enjoy every class & give it your all and who knows, respect could just push you into an internship at Wachtell.

College Lifehacks

Hey everyone! So for those of you who are in college, here is a list of some “college hacks” I recently thought of, as I was getting ready to go back in a few weeks. I hope they’re useful!

The Return of the Locker Ladder


Oh yes, you remember the locker that your parents were encouraged to buy you in middle school? Well if you still have it, bring it with you for the spring semester. If you’re like me, any amount of extra space you can find (or even make) is useful. My closet isn’t the biggest, so I came up with the idea to use my locker ladder to maximums my space, by hanging it on the bar running across the inside of my closet. Now, I can stack scarfs, shoes, etc. in my closet, while taking up minimal space!

Washi Tape is a Gift from God


Well the famous tape that will not peel the paint off of those concrete walls has more of a purpose than simply making cool designs. Use it to hang posters! I couldn’t believe I didn’t think of this before…now say goodbye to command hooks and attempting to find out how to actually hang a picture. Just stick it on!

Take Your Notes Using Different Colored Pens


In order to stimulate visual memory, use different colors of pens to take notes. It’ll also make your notebook look cool and makes taking notes more enjoyable!

How to Fold Your Clothes For More Space


When it is Hot Out, Hang a Damp Towel Over an Open Window to Cool a Stuffy Room


Listen to Music Without Words, While Studying


Not only will this keep you awake, but it will also keep you focused, while preventing you from belting out your favorite T-Swift’s lyrics instead of the formula for gravity.

Use Dryer Sheets to Get Rid of Weird Smells


You know what I’m talking about.

By Veronica U-K.

*Images courtesy of:,,

A College Kid’s Guide: How to Not Go Insane During Winter Break

YAY we are finally home! Back to the land of normal showers, home-cooked meals, regular toilet paper and our own beds! During the last 36 hour grid of our finals week, the hope of these things were pretty much the only thing keeping us going, but now that we have these luxuries…what do we do?

We’ve been going and going (whether partying or studying, or a combo of both), but now we have so much free time…

Here’s a few ways to avoid becoming Netflix blobs:

1. Get a job.

Hello! Having free time and being in need of money, isn’t it this simplest situation? Just apply anywhere, whether it’s at your local mall or the nearest corner store. Stores such as Hollister or American Eagle are most often looking for applicants to work, especially with the holiday season. Just be weary of them signing you up to work Christmas day–you still want to have a vacation!

2. Volunteer & Look for Perspective Opportunities

Remember in high school, when you had to volunteer just to graduate? Well take the time to find an organization you truly like and get involved. Volunteering looks good on resumes, (especially when you’ve become an official member of an organization) so start laying this framework to be an (official) active member of your community.

3. Get Back to Your Basics

This is after all, a break–a time to relax, so pick up old hobbies or begin new ones. Is there something you have been putting off, because you just had too little time before? Do it now. Whether it’s picking up an old instrument, or if you’re like me: working on your novel, take full advantage of this time to work on whatever it may be.

4. Plan a Small Party

You don’t have to invite the entire class that you graduated with (I can’t imagine anyone liked or knew every single person to do so), but have those few friends you still FaceTime with over for a small event. Make it a Christmas gift exchange or a simple sleepover! Remember that just because you have new friends in college, doesn’t mean you should forget those you grew-up with. After all, they are the ones who put up with you, as you went though your awkward stage!

5. Rejuvenate!

Maybe while studying you cut back on your exercise routine, or didn’t take care of your skin like you should have? Use this time to reevaluate your routine. Plan a new exercise schedule for the spring semester (and this time coordinate it with your other schedules, so you actually stick with it).

Relax, have fun, and Happy Holidays!

Thanks for reading.

By Veronica U-K.

10 Things Every High School Senior Should Know BEFORE College

As an only child and a bit of an introvert, I’ll admit, I didn’t know exactly what to expect in college. Of course I had seen all the movies depicting college as one big party, and I had my own fantasy of a life in which I would have to take full responsibility for myself…but none of these really helped me to know what to expect.

As my first semester in college comes to an end, I’ve created a list of the top 10 things every high school senior needs to realize, BEFORE arriving at college:

1. You don’t need to buy everything in the dorm aisle.
Chances are, you will have at least one roommate, which means only one thing: you don’t have to spend that much money. Let’s face it, going to the college alone is expensive, so why pay more than you have to? Split up the cost of your room design by designating one person to bring the microwave and another to bring the refrigerator. Don’t spend your money on items such as lamps and rugs. Wait until you are already living in your dorm room for a bit. You never know if you and your roommate(s) may want to change the setup of the room–and nothing is more annoying than having an extra table sitting in the middle of the room. (Just ask my roommate, she knows.)

2. Bring cleaning supplies.
Be sure to bring paper towels, Lysol wipes, and a decent vacuum. I can guarantee that there will be that one person who spills a drink or food in your room. It will happen. Just accept it. Not to mention, if you are a girl with thick hair like me, your roommate will think there’s a cat living in the room.

3. Bring a variety of food.
I don’t care if you have a meal plan, bring food. Ramen, small cups of soup, gummies, cereal bars, goldfish…these are all essentials. There will be days where going to the dining hall–even if it is just a trip downstairs and a few yards away from your dorm building–will seem like too much work. This will also save you time and chances to be distracted, especially during finals week.

4. Invest in a billion notebooks, over the newest Mac.
When it comes to taking notes, especially in blue ink, you have a much higher chance of recalling and physically learning information in the moment, if you write it out. So, unless you have ungodly handwriting or truly do learn better using a computer, just use notebooks. *Also, do not bring binders–unless you are going to use them for organizing your rewritten notes (no one uses them and they are extremely bulky; however, do bring a lot of binder paper–professors do still give oral quizzes.

5. Use your Freshman year to establish yourself, as a student.
As a new student, professors will be looking for prospective interns and individuals to eventually the place of their beloved juniors and seniors. How can you do this? Do two things: Participate in class: question theories proposed by the professor (respectfully of course) and Don’t be afraid to email your professors and or visit them during their office hours. Professors are looking for dependable students, which can help TREMENDOUSLY, later on, when you re looking for work study and or internship opportunities.

6. Bring extra medication.
I’m serious. Even if your college has a wellness center, bring some.You are literally living in an inclosed space and sharing a bathroom with forty other people. You will need extra vitamin C supplements and ibuprofen, Tylenol etc. staying healthy is key to doing well.

7. Keep track of how many classes you are allowed to miss per class.
Do not constantly skip a class, assuming the professor never takes attendance, because that one day you are not there, that attendance sheet will be passed over your empty seat. However, skipping a few is not a total taboo–sometimes you just need more time for another project or to make you feel your best. If you aren’t going to class to actively participate, the amount that you gain from the class will be the same, as if you didn’t go.

8. Be smart about which classes you take.
Depending on your major and the college you attend, there are core requirements for both of these respected areas. Meet with your advisor or the head of the department to make sure, especially around registration time, that your classes are going to give you the credit you will need to graduate. *Also, note that if double majoring or in a special program, some classes intersect and will count for other requirements. Ex. Spanish 104 takes the Language credit for Communications and Political Science, therefore eliminating another language class you would have to take.

9. Take advantage of opportunities to tutor other students.
By teaching a topic you are truly passionate about (and excel in) you will not only become even better in hat area, you will also have the rewarding experience of helping another student. *This also looks good on a resume for internships.

10. Join a lot of clubs.
Even if you seem to be only somewhat interested in a club, sign up for it anyways. Asking them to take your name off of the list is much easier than trying to join, a few weeks after the club fair. Plus, by joining a lot of clubs you will meet a variety of people, which is helpful as you will be taking a variety of classes and most likely, eventually need a partner for a group project.

So there you have it. Good luck Class of 2015!

By Veronica U-K.

It’s “On You”

So for those of you who have been following me on Twitter etc. you know this is my second blog. My first was more or less a “trial run” and I realized I was not getting feedback to the extent that I wanted. So please take a second and tell me what I should be writing about, besides my current categories! As always, thanks for the support!!