A College Kid’s Guide: How to Not Go Insane During Winter Break

YAY we are finally home! Back to the land of normal showers, home-cooked meals, regular toilet paper and our own beds! During the last 36 hour grid of our finals week, the hope of these things were pretty much the only thing keeping us going, but now that we have these luxuries…what do we do?

We’ve been going and going (whether partying or studying, or a combo of both), but now we have so much free time…

Here’s a few ways to avoid becoming Netflix blobs:

1. Get a job.

Hello! Having free time and being in need of money, isn’t it this simplest situation? Just apply anywhere, whether it’s at your local mall or the nearest corner store. Stores such as Hollister or American Eagle are most often looking for applicants to work, especially with the holiday season. Just be weary of them signing you up to work Christmas day–you still want to have a vacation!

2. Volunteer & Look for Perspective Opportunities

Remember in high school, when you had to volunteer just to graduate? Well take the time to find an organization you truly like and get involved. Volunteering looks good on resumes, (especially when you’ve become an official member of an organization) so start laying this framework to be an (official) active member of your community.

3. Get Back to Your Basics

This is after all, a break–a time to relax, so pick up old hobbies or begin new ones. Is there something you have been putting off, because you just had too little time before? Do it now. Whether it’s picking up an old instrument, or if you’re like me: working on your novel, take full advantage of this time to work on whatever it may be.

4. Plan a Small Party

You don’t have to invite the entire class that you graduated with (I can’t imagine anyone liked or knew every single person to do so), but have those few friends you still FaceTime with over for a smallĀ event. Make it a Christmas gift exchange or a simple sleepover! Remember that just because you have new friends in college, doesn’t mean you should forget those you grew-up with. After all, they are the ones who put up with you, as you went though your awkward stage!

5. Rejuvenate!

Maybe while studying you cut back on your exercise routine, or didn’t take care of your skin like you should have? Use this time to reevaluate your routine. Plan a new exercise schedule for the spring semester (and this time coordinate it with your other schedules, so you actually stick with it).

Relax, have fun, and Happy Holidays!

Thanks for reading.

By Veronica U-K.